Download Cubase Elements 7 full version

Cubase Elements 7 is comprehensive, affordable Home studio software. It is the introductory digital audio workstation offered by Steinberg, but the feature set and recording capabilities are well beyond most entry-level DAWs. This studio software is undoubtedly one of the best audio production tools available, so we gave it our Top Ten Reviews Gold Award.
Download Cubase Elements 7 full versionYou will be greeted by the Steinberg hub upon opening Cubase Elements 7. The hub offers project options such as a blank recording project, a mastering suite and a music scoring application. When you open a new recording project, your workspace is a blank arrangement window with a floating transport at the bottom. The transport can be moved to wherever you please, which is convenient. The layout of your workspace is intuitive and uncluttered. It is easy to toggle between the mixer and arrangement window to access all of your tracking information such as inserts, sends and equalizers.

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